Dungeonmaster series

A beer created for the Dungeon improvements from 2018.

Series I (2018): Laphroiagh Whisky barrel aged with apricot touch - 6° Alcohol

Series II (2021): Mixture of a cidre, based on Normandic bittre and Belgian Old Race apples, with a brett fermented wheatbeer to give a refreshing sour summerdrink - 5° Alcohol

Serise III (2021): Laphroiagh oak aged barley wine. Hoppy dry flavour creating a drinkable, dangerous barley wine with a smokey/sulfury touch. - Mash of the Titans colab - 12° Alcohol

Series IV (2021): Gouden Carolus barrel aged quadruppel. Dark liquorish coloured black liquid with a nice caramel colored creamy head. Sweet with a nice character. - Gouden Carolus colab - 7° Alcohol

Series V (2024): Dark old ale, aged on peated Whisky barrels. Sweet with a nice touch of raisins - 10° Alcohol

Series VI (2024): Blonde beer, shortly fermented on old Whisky casks. Light and fresh - 5,5° Alcohol